New iCalculator™ AB"Informing, Educating, Saving Money and Time in Scotland"
AB Tax 2024

Scotland Salary and Tax Calculators

Welcome to iCalculator™ AB's dedicated page for income tax calculators tailored for Scotland. Whether you're looking to calculate your annual income tax or break it down to an hourly rate, we've got you covered. Our calculators are designed to provide you with accurate, up-to-date information to make your tax planning as straightforward as possible. You can also access Historic Tax Calculators for Scotland (2017 - 2024) for tax return calculations for previous tax years.

Scotland Salary and Tax Calculators

Select a periodic pay calculator below, continue reading to view the detailed instructions for this set of calculators or access alternate tax calculators in the Scotland Tax Hub.

Why Use Our Income Tax and SalaryCalculators?

Understanding your tax obligations is crucial for financial planning, and our calculators are here to simplify that process. With user-friendly interfaces and precise calculations, you can easily estimate how much you owe or could get back from the government at the end of the tax year.

Types of Income Tax and Salary Calculators

We offer a variety of calculators to suit your specific needs, these include tax calculators which are based on payroll timeframes and how salary packages and wages are advertised for job vacancies in Scotland. Check our the AB Tax Hub for Scotland and discover how each Scotland tax calculator provides the same high level of detailed calculations of pay but is taiolred to allow you to enter your salary based on how you are used to being paid (hourly, daily etc.) and access results that are designed to meet specifci needs, whether you are an employer, employee, payroll manager or simply comparing the impact of tax rates and thresholds in Scotland etc. All of the tax calculators on iCalculator™ AB are updated with the latest Scotland tax tables including tax rates for the 2024 tax year.

How to calculate your salary after tax in Scotland

Follow these simple steps to calculate your salary after tax in Scotland using the Scotland Salary Calculator 2024 which is updated with the 2024/25 tax tables.

  1. Resident Status. The Resident status in Scotland here refers to your tax status, not necessarily your visa type or domicile. From a tax calculation perspective, your Tax Resident Status affects non-refundable tax credits and income tax allowances. As with most countries with an international workforce, Scotland has numerous tax/fiscal Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) and Tax Treaties in place.
  2. Employment Income. This is the amount of salary you are paid. The Scotland tax calculator assumes this is your annual salary before tax. If you wish to enter you monthly salary, weekly or hourly wage, then select the 'Advanced' option on the Scotland tax calculator and change the 'Employment Income and Employment Expenses period'.

That's it! Just two simple steps to calculate your salary after tax in Scotland with detailed income tax calculations. Need more from the Scotland Tax Calculator? More detailed salary calculator or a wage calculator? Simply select 'advanced' to access more features of the tax calculator.

Advanced Features of the Scotland Income Tax Calculator

  1. Tax Assessment Year The tax assessment year is defaulted to 2024, you can change the tax year as required to calculate your salary after tax for a specific year.
  2. Your Age You age is used to calculate specific age related tax credits and allowances in Scotland.
  3. Number of Children and Number of Children who qualify for Dependents Allowance The number of children you have and their status is used to calculate specific dependents related tax credits and allowances in Scotland.
  4. Number of Working Days in the year The number of working days in the year is used to calculate average daily / weekly etc. earning for the salary calculation and after tax illustrations
  5. Number of hours worked per week The number of hours worked in the year is used to calculate average daily / weekly / hourly earnings etc. for the salary calculation and after tax illustrations
  6. Number of weeks worked in the year The number of working weeks in the year is used to calculate average daily / weekly etc. earning for the salary calculation and after tax illustrations
  7. Employment Income and Employment Expenses period The default Employment Income and Expenses period is 'Annual' meaning the amount you entered as your Employment Income in Scotland. is your annual salary before tax. You can change this to monthly, weekly, four weekly, hourly salary etc. as required to calculate your net pay in Scotland..

Additional features available with the Scotland Tax Calculator

In addition to the features and options described above, the Scotland Tax Calculator also has the following features:

  1. Select Simple or Advanced. The Simple option is mainly used for those who want to quickly calculate their salary after tax, perhaps to review an annual pay rise or incremental pay rise. The Simple tax calculator is also useful for comparing salaries in Scotland, great if you are looking at a new job in Scotland or comparing salaries in different industries in Scotland. It's a particulalry useful tool for Expats in Scotland or those looking at the expat lifestyle in Scotland. The Advanced Tax Calculator is designed for those who wish to calculate their tax commitments with more detail, for example you may with you calculate your monthly/quarterly/annual tax withholdings to ensure you retain sufficient revenue to cover the cost of your annual self-assessment tax return.

Historic Tax Calculators for Scotland (2017 - Present)

Our Historic Tax Calculators allow you to view tax rates and liabilities for Scotland from 2017 up to the current year (current latest tax year integrated into the AB Tax Calculator: 2024). This feature is particularly useful for long-term financial planning and understanding tax changes over the years.

Select a specific Scotland tax calculator from the list below to calculate your annual gross salary and net take home pay after deductions for that tax year.